Covid 19

Clinical Updates

Covid-19 is a rapidly evolving area of clinical needs and advice. Our advice will be based on the Federal and WA Health Department guidelines. Our primary method of communication in this regard will be via the Como GP Facebook page.

Covid Vaccinations

Como GP offers Covid vaccinations as part of the national rollout program.

Covid vaccination appointments may be made via our online booking service at: Book Covid Vaccination 


Vaccine specific consent and information forms are provided below:



Consent Form

Patient information BEFORE vaccination

Patient information AFTER vaccination

Covid Antiviral Medications

Antiviral medications may be taken to reduce symptoms of Covid in a similar way that antibiotics may reduce symptoms from bacterial infections. In order to have the maximum benefit of these antiviral medications, it is important to start them immediately after being diagnosed with Covid by either a positive RAT or PCR test. These medications offer no benefit if commenced after 5 days of Covid symptoms.  Como GP offers streamlined prescribing of Covid antiviral medications with all patients offered a telephone appointment for a prescription as an urgent fit-in appointment within 1 hour of calling Como GP. Please note that at the doctor’s discretion, antiviral medications may be prescribed for all patients over 18 years of age, however, only those patients meeting specific government defined criteria are able to have a PBS subsidised script.

Two antiviral medications are presently available with the consent and information forms provided below:



Consent Form

Patient information



Consent Form

Patient information